Easter holiday
Sami came to visit me, and we have had an easter holiday for couple of days. It has been sauna, food, fishing and outdoor activities. We also had time to plan some new features for UnReal World. And, actually, we went from planning to impelementation. Clickety-click goes the coding =)
Sami walking with his snowshoes

FIshing and planning


Indie game developers at work

What time does that snow usually melt, Erkka? It UrW it would be melted by now...
Typically Finnish spring time weather varies a lot from year to year. I have a feeling that after two weeks the snow will be gone, mostly. From my childhood in 80's I remember a summer when we made a snow castle in mid-June =) It had been an ordinary, warm beginning of the summer, and then suddenly it turned cold for couple of days, with heavy snowfall. So, let's see how it goes this year.
Historiallinen kuva. En olisi uskonut teitä aivan noin "vanhoiksi". Itse asun kainuun alueella kaakkoissotkamossa, ja on varsin lähellä urw:tä, sikäli, kun köyhiä ollaan ja osa lihasta on saatu metsästämällä ja kalastamalla. Toinen toimeentulo on keräily (marjat, suolaheinät ym.), joka kummasti piristää ruokaa. Onneks on 2 pakkasta ulkona ja yksi jääkaapissa - saadaan lihat säilymään.
Miten niitä suolaheiniä käytetään? Keitossa, salaatissa vaiko muutenvaan yrttimausteena? En ole ikinä kullutkaan moisesta...
Looks like much fun. Hope you enjoyed your easter.
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