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Saturday evening I got a visitor. He is guy who recently moved to Finland from the Netherlands. He came up here hitch-hiking from Helsinki, just because he wanted to see the place and help with some practical work. We spent a day cutting branches from small trees and hauling the trees to my yard. There is a picture taken just before the last break, when we already felt bit exhausted.

Today we tried skiing with a pair of army skis. One leather strip was all too worn out and broke apart, so we had to go with a quick make-shift solution instead. Luckily enough it served its purpose, and off we went.

After a short but cheerful skiing trip we still had time to do timberwork. We took down some bigger trees with an axe and a bow saw. Working with traditional tools we didn't get that many trees done, but sure the work is much more pleasant when you don't have to listen to the noise of the chainsaw. And using a bow saw is a good physical excercise.

Since I'm bit tired, I won't write more for today. But here are the pictures:

working men
working men
ready to go
ready to go
a make-shift solution
a make-shift solution
cross-country skiing
cross-country skiing
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