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Selected horse pictures

As an epitaph to the horses I've selected some pictures to post.

Year 2015. Life with the horses was not just riding and doing work - it was also just hanging together doing nothing but enjoying the sense of being together.
Year 2015. Life with the horses was not just riding and doing work - it was also just hanging together doing nothing but enjoying the sense of being together.
Year 2016. Well, but it also was riding in the woods. Sometimes in a starry winter night, that time in broad daylight.
Year 2016. Well, but it also was riding in the woods. Sometimes in a starry winter night, that time in broad daylight.
Year 2017. Life with the horses meant also allowing them free time on the pasture.
Year 2017. Life with the horses meant also allowing them free time on the pasture.
Year 2019. When Raiku came to me she felt uncomfortable with people near her. Our time together was a lot about learning to overcome fears, to learn to relax in the company of another living being, re-finding the joy of being together.
Year 2019. When Raiku came to me she felt uncomfortable with people near her. Our time together was a lot about learning to overcome fears, to learn to relax in the company of another living being, re-finding the joy of being together.
337 users have voted.


I love them!!


Such a delightful and heartwarming post as always. Kiitos näistä!

Thanks for the comments! For me it feels like there are several emotional layers in my process of dealing with the loss and adapting to the life without the horses. I don't know what is to come, but in a way I find comfort in the deep acceptance of that.


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