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1st of April 2022

1st of April 2022
No fooling, Ancient Savo beta version 6 is now available at itch.io , and with this version we make the private beta audience a bit wider. Find the url at comments. At this stage it is OK to pass the semi-secret url to your friends if you know someone who might be interested. But since the game is still far from finished I feel it is not yet time for any bigger marketing. But I'd guess people who are already familiar with UnReal World can kind of a understand what Ancient Savo is about. Also, the main menu has an option to view the development roadmap to give you an idea of what is planned and what is missing.
30 users have voted.


Find Ancient Savo at itch.io. At the moment the access to the game is restricted, so it is not publicly visible in the Enormous Elk catalogue, so one can only find it using that direct url.

Great :) Just bought the game and I'm willing to give Linux feedback if you would need it. For now, I will play some :)

Any feedback is welcome, if you have time to write! At the moment there is no linux-specific distribution package, but that is planned. But if you have java installed on your machine, the current version should run smoothly.

It indeed launched and is running smoothly. In fact, it runs smoother than UW that I tried a few months back (after a few years break), which kept my CPU at 100% while idling.

Do you run a Bugzilla of some sort to gather bugs/ideas? I'd guess that Discord acts as this kind of thing?

Hmm, I think the latest version of UrW should've fixed that problem with 100% CPU usage while idle.

At the moment Discord is the best place to report bugs and to post feedback / suggestions. But if you prefer not to use Discord, e-mail is also fine. But, yes, I need to think of community platforms in the future - at the moment I'm happy to keep it somewhat limited, for it easier to concentrate on the development if all the feedback is just in one place + e-mail.

Congratulations, yet another milestone!

Thanks! I've been working on the project for 16 months, it feels good to gradually see it materializing towards an official release.

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